Getting Organized Tip #3

5 03 2009

How do you feel about your closets?  From what I have learned most people struggle with their children’s closets the most.  They get messy and disorganized very quickly.  One reason for this is because we make children’s closets like we would adult closets.  This doesn’t work for little ones trying to learn to be independent!  They need the things they use the most to be reachable and organized (so that they know where to put things back or retrieve them).

Our children go and get themselves ready for bed.  They can do this totally on their own because they each have a bin for their P.J’s that is neat and reachable by them.  NOTE: Owen is only 1 year he does not get himself ready on his own yet.  They are able to get their own pull-ups if they wear them or clean underwear and P.J’s without destroying the rest of the closet.

If you have more than one child sharing a closet it can get a little more tricky trying to fit everything in one closet.  Our boys share a closet, so we use a closet organizer to keep all of their thing in one place.  Now because they share Isaac can not reach his shirts or pants so I have to pull them down for him in the morning.  We are thinking of getting a step stool for him but have not decided yet.

Here are some pics of our closets to give you some ideas for your own closets.

Here is part of the boys closet.  Owen's shirts are on the bottom right and Isaac's the upper right.  On the bottom left is 2 bins (not seen in this photo) that hold P.J's and under clothes for Isaac.  On the shelves are little baskets for Owen's socks and undershirts, then his pants are above.  Then Isaac's are above that.

Here is part of the boys closet. Owen's shirts are on the bottom right and Isaac's the upper right. On the bottom left is 2 bins (not seen in this photo) that hold P.J's and under clothes for Isaac. On the shelves are little baskets for Owen's socks and undershirts, then his pants are above. Then Isaac's are above that.


Here are the two bins for Isaac to use.  One has his underwear and socks and the other his P.J's.  This keeps them organized and easy for him to get himself.

Here are the two bins for Isaac to use. One has his underwear and socks and the other his P.J's. This keeps them organized and easy for him to get himself.


This is showing the area for full length outfits.  This area is for when a shirt has a certain pair of pants it goes with.  We hang them together so that they are easy to get to and the other parent (my husband) knows that they have a matching pair of pants.

This is showing the area for full length outfits. This area is for when a shirt has a certain pair of pants it goes with. We hang them together so that they are easy to get to and the other parent (my husband) knows that they have a matching pair of pants.

Having one child in a closet is a lot easier to organize and keep neat.  This is Grace's closet.  She has a hanging area on the left, bins for underwear, socks and P.J's under that and then her pants are on the right.  Simple.

Having one child in a closet is a lot easier to organize and keep neat. This is Grace's closet. She has a hanging area on the left, bins for underwear, socks and P.J's under that and then her pants are on the right. Simple.


Now, closets don’t need to be picture perfect (as you can tell from my pics, I still have work to do) but they need to work for you!  Make your child’s closet save you time!!!  You want it be able to work for you family.  Enjoy organizing today!



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