5 12 2010

Well, now that I made that clear I can go finish what I was doing. 🙂

Just kidding , but I know I haven’t been on much.  This year for school I have made some changes. 🙂  One of those changes is that I don’t go on the computer after Dave leaves for work.  Another is I try to make sure I am playing with each of my little ones….not just in a group setting and not just during “school time”.  This may sound crazy, but in the past I have finished school with the older ones and then went  about my day.  I didn’t stop and say….Owen and Ethan need some mommy time now.

With these changes our days have been so much better.  We have also canceled our Dish Network…..wow!  I love T.V.!!!  But to be honest with you, I don’t really want to watch it that much anymore.  I do love to watch Biggest Loser and Parenthood, which I can do online.  Other than that, we don’t really watch much T.V.   NOw I am not talking about the T.V. in general…..the kids do love screen time.  So we added Netflix and it is great.  It goes right to our Wii and the kids can watch almost all their favorite shows.  Another plus…..we don’t get ANY Christmas toy commercials!!!!  I didn’t think this would be a big deal…..but it is!!!!! 🙂  I don’t hear the….. I want this…I want that……Can I have that mommy etc. 🙂 

So, with that being said, my blog has taken a backseat. SOrry, but I am loving the time with the kids.

We are alive and doing well.  Dave is working at the Church part-time and UPS part-time still.  There are some changes coming soon, so please be in prayer for us.  His internship is almost up and we are in prayer about God’s will for our lives.  please pray for God to give my husband wisdom and for God to give me a heart for what He wants us to do in ministry. 

The kids are doing great!  Ethan is our fun-loving 15 month old…..he has a joy for life like no other.  He was a little on the later side for walking….but he is a runner now!  He signs many signs and knows several ABC’s.  He is one smart little man.

Owen…..is well, the energy of our home. 😀  There isn’t a dull moment when he is around.  He is counting great, doing letters and shapes.  He is a fun-loving, crazy little 3.5 year old.  This pic isn’t clear….but you can see his personality in it.

Grace is our little girl.  She is a girl 100 percent too. 🙂  She wears sparkly shoes, a dress everyday if I would let her, begs for make-up etc.  YUP I have my hands full. 🙂  She can take down a boy pretty quick with a light saber as well.  We did find out she kissed a boy…….so now we are talking about that kind of stuff…..already?  AHHHHH 🙂  She loves to be in K, she is doing awesome in Math and is reading pretty good. 🙂  Very happy with her this year in school. 🙂

Isaac is doing great in 1st grade.  I am very happy with how he is eager to learn and do new things.  He loves our homeschool co-op and is learning many things, including the Recorder.  We did have a lung scope done on him last month because of his frequent lung sicknesses.  We found out his left lung is too narrow, which allows fluid to pool in the left side causing him to get sick.  After 6 years of him being sick we finally know why. 🙂  It is livable and he is taking meds to keep the airways open on that side. (They are very small and will not grow much more).

Isaac was so excited to become an RA this year!!!