Getting Organized Tip #2

4 03 2009

Are you ready for tip number 2?  Well, this one is for anyone that has lots of toys and children, is that you?  Is your playroom or bedrooms a mess?

I have learned that children do NOT understand the toy box idea.  Having all the toys in one spot makes them dump EVERYTHING while looking for something. 

For my children we have given everything a spot.  Then we made some rules.  In our home each of our children are allowed 1 bin each, if they want another they need to clean up the bin they have out first.  This works pretty good, now they are children and we have to start over and teach them often.  Owen (20 months) doesn’t understand so he is still in the training phase.

Here are some pics of our playroom to give you some ideas.

These are the bins that my children get to choose from.  We don't have labels on them because they have not had trouble knowing what goes where.  I suggest you use pictures if your children are young, this way you don't have to read the labels to them.

These are the bins that my children get to choose from. We don't have labels on them because they have not had trouble knowing what goes where. I suggest you use pictures if your children are young, this way you don't have to read the labels to them.

If you have a big item, make sure you have the things that go with it organized so that your little ones can enjoy it.

If you have a big item, make sure you have the things that go with it organized so that your little ones can enjoy it.


Make sure you have a spot for big bulky items.  These can get in the way if they don't have their own spot.

Make sure you have a spot for big bulky items. These can get in the way if they don't have their own spot.

Playrooms can be great or just trouble.  Setting yours up for your children will help them understand what it is to look like at the end of the day.



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