VBS Videos

29 06 2008

This is of Isaac at VBS 2008 Outrigger Island.

Here is Gracelyn at VBS Outrigger Island 2008

Where have we been?

29 06 2008

I have had some people ask me where we have been at….let me tell you….VBS! That is right we had Vacation Bible School last week and it was awesome! 7 children came to know the Lord, we had over 250 children enrolled and my kids had a blast. They didn’t know really what to expect…they were young last year…but this year they got it and they loved it. They both sang on stage the last night ( I am going to try and link that on YouTube before long so the grandparents can see it).

That is what we have been up to, then add that Owen has not been doing so great. He keeps spiking these 104-105 temps and then they are gone within a day. It is strange. We took him to the children’s hospital here in town on Father’s Day night then after a ped. visit on Friday she sent him back to the chidren’s hosital for a full blood and urine testing. So far the white blood cell count is high and so is another number ( I don’t remember the name of it now). The urine came back clear as of today, yes that is right…she called on a Sunday to check on him and tell me the results. The blood will be checked again tomorrow, but so far is showing no growth, which is good news! Please pray this is just a virus and that it will pass on its own.